Monday, August 15, 2011

Dinner was Amazing!!

Ok dinner has been made and eaten.  Dishes are done...I love my dishwasher.  Now for more pictures.

Yes I am in my underwear...all you men just need to calm down....lmao.    There are those shoes I was telling you about in the last post, pretty amazing aren't they?  The bra and panties are from Vassnia, part of the "Your Inner Bunny Hunt" where the items you find cost you 1L.  The hair in this picture and the next few is also from the YIBH from Simply Britnee.  You get all sorts of colours plus it has this cute little star on the side.  Clicky items coming up...

Hair:   Hunt runs from Aug.13th-Sept.16th
Bra & Panties:

Isn't this a great swimsuit?   I love the blue colour.  Course running along this beach would have been more fun if Suvari had of been with me..oh well.  Alexohol is part of the YIBH and this is bathing suit is your prize.  While I was wandering around the store looking for the carrot, I was of course using my shopping eye.  There are some great sports clothes here not to mention all the dresses and skimpy swimsuits.  I know Blayze likes this store, because she can always find Canadian clothing items here.  Here is the slurl for the store.

Ok my last picture.  Again all these photos were taken at the photography studio in my first post.  I'll make sure to include the slurl again.  This outfit I believe was from the lucky chair at Chic Couture, that or a freebie.  Please let me know if I am so very wrong with this.  I'm sitting here trying hard to remember how I got this cute outfit in my inventory and the mind is going completely blank.  The hair and skin are the same as the last photos and my shape is one I got from the FabFree Station.  OH, OH, OH before I forget the eyelashes I'm wearing are from Sn@tch.  Another awesome store.  Down in her bargain basement, she has this HUGE box of stuff for newbies under 30 days.  Make sure you go and grab it if your a newbie to this game like me.

Huge box of awesomeness:
Photo Studio:
The FabFree Station (great for all newbies to go and check out):  

Ok that's it for me till next time.  Hope today was amazing for everyone and that the week just keeps getting better.


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