Monday, August 22, 2011

Busy, Busy Weekend..

Wow!  The weekend has flown by and I wasn't inworld hardly at all.  But when I logged in this morning...first I noticed that my messages had been capped...Second Life: Too many instant messages. Delivery capped. Second I had this amazing seat from the Michigan Shack Shop. It seats 3 people and comes with alot of different sitting animations.
Third, b[ELLE]issima! had a sale on her clothing...this I did pop inworld for when I seen the message in my email.  These dresses are amazing with the detailling, colouring and well just everything about them makes me smile.  The hair I'm wearing, which has been blogged in countless other blogs, is from (love) and is a group gift from the group, "Please Make This In SL".  I'm wearing it without the feather attachment and it comes with a banged or no banged option.  The hud allows you to change the hair color with just a click and saves on countless items in your inventory....and I'm beginning to see why Blayze complains all the time about hers.  LOL
Swamp Seat from Michigan Shack:
Dress from b[ELLE]issima!:
Search for "Please Make This in SL" under the groups tab in your search taskbar for the (love) hair-native

I've been watching the kids in the neighborhood getting ready for school this morning as I was having my morning coffee out on the deck.  Some of them in uniforms and some not but all of them excited about going back and seeing their friends, making new ones and learning all they can.  Kinda makes me miss those I think when I get some more time today I will go out and search for some "Back to School" outfits.  Until then, have a good day everyone.

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