Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Anime Hunt.

I was checking out some blogs today and found a hunt that looked like alot of fun to do..... The Anime Hunt.  I love watching just about any anime that I can find, so I figured this should prove to be interesting.  Now the pictures are not in order of the hunt, but there is a blog with all the slurls and hints.  The only one I had a problem finding was in a store called Grumble, but it was all my fault.  My computer decided at that moment to run some updates and my lag started spiking, which caused me to get a little frustrated.  Anyhow, here are the pics with the slurls (and no the slurls do not take you right to the is a hunt after all.  :) )

First picture is of a tattoo from a store called Collisions.  The tat comes in all layers and is on the front and back of your avatar.  Its very nicely done.

You will notice I had to switch hairs in order for you to be able to see the back part of the tattoo.

Next 2 pictures are of a futuristic vehicle from Creative Labs.  I was zipping around the sandbox with it having no problem at all.

This cute necklace is from Rasetsukoku.  Its called "Deathnote Charm Necklace".  I have heard of the anime Deathnote but haven't watched it yet.  Gonna have to check out Hulu and see if they have it.

Indigo Oddities had 3 prizes in their hunt box.  2 of them were complete outfits and the third had a couple tee shirts and a wall decoration in it.  Here are the outfits.

Marisa is the top outfit and Reimu is the second one. 

Ok I have more laundry to do.  I started it this morning and than got called to go have lunch with Suvari and a couple friends.  I will finish posting for this hunt later on when I actually get the laundry all done and put away.  Oh the poses I'm using for these pictures are from the Scavenger hunt, they come from Rozena.  See you soon.

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