Thursday, August 2, 2012

Rainy Day Memories...

There are alot of different hunts that have started and I have started a bunch of them.  The Rainy Days Memories Hunt started today and ends on the 31st of August.  This hunt is a short one, with 22 stores to visit and each little blue umbrella that you find will cost you 0L.  There were a few stores that weren't quite ready yet but by following the Rainy Day Memories Hunt blog, you should have no issues at all.  As per my usual I am going to show you some of my favorites from this hunt...let's just get to it.

.Sugar & Cyanide. gives the ladies a pair of mesh Capri Pants and a Grey Mini Tank.  The capri pants come in a variety of sizes so there should be no problem finding a pair that fit you.  Now although I do not have any water running across my piece of land, the Bridge of Timeless Memories is a wonderful build from S & N Designs Mainstore and would make a great addition to any piece of property.  Plus there are alot of different sitting can see three of them in this picture.

The amazing Rainy Summer Days Gazebo v2 is the gift from Nekolicious.  The sectional couch has a different sit in each cushion with 2 couple sits in either end.  This is an absolutely beautiful build.  The RMD Tank in mesh is the gift from :MeSH:iT: and again comes in a variety of sizes.

I love this Summer Rainy Day Porch Swing from Pillows & Things.  There are numerous sits for both girls and boys and although it does not actually swing, it will make a great addition to your front porch.  My Rainy Day outfit complete with raindrops and the Triple Goddess mesh jeans is the gift from Shadow Moon.

And that's it for me.  You can find all the hints and slurls at the blog... Rainy Day Memories Hunt.  There are some gifts for the guys in this hunt at well, so girls grab your guys and get to hunting.  Until next time....

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