Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Twisted Hunt....Done!

I finally finished the Twisted Hunt and let me tell you......wasn't easy.  I wasn't really expecting it to be but damn...there are some twisted people in this game....and I love them all.  I am only going to show a sampling of what I found as there is tons and tons of stuff in this hunt....207 stores plus some stores have mini hunts, not to mention the special gatcha machines and deals they have happening during the time of the Twisted Hunt, which runs from the 1st of September to the end of the month. 
The wings of a dragon enfold you in the Throne of the Unseelie from Roawenwood.  This will look great in a castle and with 3 poses in it, will suit anyones mood.

Avatar Bizarre was a bugger to find...but find it I did (with a little help from my hunt buddy).  With these two amazing outfits, both of which will become permanent items in my inventory, the aggravation will be worth it.

Labyrinth is one of my all time favourite movies.  David Bowie as Jareth rocked the house.  This outfit from [LuNi] commerates Jareth.

*Bad Juju* offers two complete avatars in their Twisted box.  One for the boys and one for us girls.  The leaves cover the boobies and run down the stomach.  With mohawk, ears, shape, skin and feet included with the outfit make this one avi to wear out on the town.

^Re.Birth^ has 4 gifts at their store.  Two for us girls and two for the boys.  Included in these boxes are eyebrows, eyes and skins.  Kobold is the first skin.

And this is Mal-de-Mer. 
Wearing my own eyes btw.

*Deviant Designs* has the dark faun in their box, again one for us girls and one for the boys. 

Ok I am itching in this offense ^Re.Birth^, love your skins its just I'm demoness and am used to wearing my demon skin.  I'm sure I will be nagged and yelled at by Roza to do some more items...its a good thing I really like I'm sure you all will see me again.

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