Sunday, November 13, 2011

Skins, Shoes and More!!

First I would like to apologize to you all for not posting as often as I have been.  This fall seems to be kicking my butt first with being extremely busy and second with trying to fight this bloody cold.  I don't like being sick, so its been lots of vitamins, hot tea with honey and sleep.  Hopefully I will be able to start posting again more as there are tons of hunts happening this month and the month is halfway through already...where does the time go??

I don't have much to show you but what I do want to show is an amazing skin, which is a group gift from ::Mar::CS.

Sucker Sun is an amazing skin and I love the bright pink lips and the mark on the eye.  The red tank with gold lips is another group gift. 

As is the black and silver lips tank top.  You really need to go and check out this store.  Not only for the group gifts, which is free to join btw, but the skins are absolutely stunning.

OMG!!  You need to head to Nspire and slap their midnight mania board and get these amazing shoes.  The Royale Loveable shoes come with a hud to match skin tone and are simply amazing.  I love, love, love these shoes.

For all you neko's out there, I have found another amazing store.  Full of lucky chairs, midnight mania boards and lots of fun people...RAWR! is the perfect store for all your neko needs.

Denim Queen is a midnight mania win.  Covered from head to toe in blue denim, this outfit also comes with tail and ears and claws.

RAWR! Silence is another midnight mania win.  The boots are included with this outfit...I love the fish bones on the side.  Go check out this store..lots to see, lots to do, tons of chairs to watch, midnight mania boards to slap and people to chat with.

That's it for me for today.  I hope you found something in this post that you just have to have and go and check out the store.  SL designers and creators are an amazing bunch of people and deserve a huge THANK YOU from all of us.  Have a great day all.

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