Saturday, January 5, 2013


Just a short post to let you in on what's been happening.  As you may or may not know, depending on if you have been reading this blog, my computer has been a little touchy.  Well she finally decided to blow up and she did it well.  So I was without a computer for a little while...never fails, finally get a couple days off in a row and can't do anything with it...well as far as posting is concerned.....hehe.  But I have a new computer and am slowly getting everything loaded back on it. (Technically the computer is a second hand one and Suvari did a whole lot of work on it to get it up and running, with help from his computer guy.)  So there are tons of updates that need to happen, sites that need to be refound, game downloads, the list goes on and on and on.

Hopefully everyone had an amazing Christmas and a wonderful New Years.  I am going to try and get SL downloaded and up and running sometime today if my updates ever end that is.  Until next time....

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